Tuesday 6 October 2020

Depression of being inclusive

The worst part of being in depression is you can really connect to the world as you supposed to be. It seems to be hurt, or feeling of puzzled when you see people are laughing, chatting happily, and it seems to be tough to understand the feelings. In order not to be such a sensitive asshole, I guess another choice is to depersonalize myself from any situation. I think I am kind of able to manipulate my depression situation, where even my parents don't seem me to be depressed, I am a cherished person. Perhaps any right way to live in this world is, living without feelings, so I won't be feeling anything, hurt, anger, sadness, sorrow, any emotions that I needed to survive. It is not healthy for me to live with feelings where I am being too sentimental and sensitive over the things, and words. A simple minor gesture cost me a happy day, in return with a solemn hearted moment, panic attacks, and endless moments of spinning heads. 

Brought me to a social context that I am trying to be expected and okay person, pretend to be a cherish and visionary person, I got panic attacked. Throughout the conversations, several panic attacks, leads to physical discomforts like nausea and butterfly stomach, ended up I almost puke and had diarrhoea eventually. I am confused, while I was being told I can be a part of the projects, but when comes to another context, I was not being introduced to the person, as in I am excluded. Puzzled, who am I supposed to be? Am I in the project, or not?

Now I figured out, I don't like being exclusive; being inclusive in someone's life, meant alot to me at the moment. A simple gesture of introduction meant the recognition of your friends and positions in the heart. I am no longer there. 

Sunday 4 October 2020

Depression of Being Helpless

This is the 3rd major relapse that i could remember. I am on medication (Brintellix and Lexapro, 5mg both) but to some points it doesn't work that much. I asked my psychologist during my pyschotherapy, why would this be happening to me again although I am on medication? I got endless taughts running through my head, and panic attack most of the time. He was a little shocked, and said: "Perhaps this time, the impacts of (failure) striked too hard on you." I think, yea, it makes sense, what else fought me down then. 

Most of the people don't understand, the feeling of suffering from depression. Most of the time, people or even care giver said: "Yea, I can understand how you feel." NO, a normal people cant ever know how a depressed person's feeling. By here, what i meant of depressed person is the people clinically diagnosed with depression. As what I know, I am suffering from bipolar disorder, and was misdiagnosed as depression at the first place. It is common that bipolar disorder often get mistreated, as what i experienced, I was a manic before who is really a high achiever (which i am so proud of myself over the achievements and i wish i could maintain who i am at that point), and most of the time i am in depressive mood. 

Every patient experienced different kind of feelings when it comes to battling depression. As in mine, i had quite a few episodes with various scenarios. I experienced, the person who is climbing up the hill with load of rocks at my back; trapped in the storm; lost in the middle of the sea and drowning. It might seems vague and hyperbold on the emotions but it is the truth that what is going on with my emotion when i am suffering from depression episode. It is not merely sad, but lost of hope, no sense of self value, helplessness, lost sense of time and motivation. 

I woke up in the morning, the first question i could ever asked, why am i still awake. My friends said, you should getting going to do something, and yea, i pushed myself twice of my usual efforts to wake up. Lately, i watched Netflix alot, my partner said i should try to be productive instead of just going on Netflix. I don't have much to say but i just don't feel like moving and waking up from my bed, at all. 

I cried alot, like almost everyday. My partner doesn't understand, why am i crying again. I felt sad, lonely and helpless for most of the time. I looked at my partner, she is great, she is busy on making great things to happen, and i wish i can help her with her loads at the moment, but she refused my gestures. For a normal person, perhaps, the thinking would probably: "Okay. She doesn't need help which means she can manage on her own, which is great." For me, i would have cried, and the thoughts are running through again: "Is that because i am useless? She doesn't need my help perhaps because i can't really help her out." It makes me felt myself a burden, self blame for not being a better person. 

For her, being a care giver, it hasn't been easy, and i drained her energy way too much. I can understand if she wants to quit, and i told her so. It has been 5 years, and i am so tired of battling, again and again. It just got worst from time to time. I started my medication just 10 months ago because my cognitive functions have been affected. Memory distorted, dysfunction in thinking, I don't know what is the rights and the wrong (ethical issues), and indecisive, lose sense of time, hallucination.... Alot that i had been through, i got so stressed that i cant even memorize a simple things, and sometimes the memory just did not register well into my brain. I can't recall. Any terms that i can tell, depersonalization, hallucination, dementia, cognitive disorder, a little DID? I am not sure. 

No one can ever know how i feel, people just can't understand. At least my psychologist knows, and he understands how i felt, at least i have a little sense of security now. 

Thursday 31 March 2016


I have been on the peak of the hill; I climbed so hard that I thought I must go achieve it. I pushed myself, very hard. At the moment, my living insane. I went nuts and craving for more, more knowledge, more skills, more interactions, more network. I want to be superhero. Indeed, I made it at some point. Everyone thinks I am good, I am perfect, but who knows, the pains I suffered.

While climbing up the hill, I was stroked by lightning. I blacked out. When I woke, I found myself at the bottom of the hill. The people used to be my mates were all gone. I tried to climb again but it took double of my energy, and I know I am exhausted. The situation went out of control as it is out of my expectation; I never know the beasts existed.

I was so weak, barely crawled myself to get some food and water, not even hunting anymore. I am out of my energy. The beasts howl for attack, they did. Scars and bloods splashing over my body, then they leave. Astral projection; I saw my naked body in the woods, I thought I am dead. But the heart is pumping underneath the skin. I am still alive.

I picked up the thorn pieces; the brain, the eyes, the limbs. It's all fixed. One left unfixed was the memory, the memory ball was gone. I walked a few miles, then I found the debris of the memory ball, it was broken. I took the debris and kept it inside a bottle, carefully and treasury, I will not going to lose it again. 

Meanwhile, I trying to climb again instead of rest. The pus covered all over body yet the scars left untreated. So it took me much more than I used to be, heavier. I carried a bag of rocks and it is heavier than I thought. Sometimes it dragged me down and slower my progress that I could be. 

Sunday 21 December 2014


“你今年几岁?” “24” “哦,不对,是22。” 噗!连自己的年龄也搞乱了。
你知不知道,你每次的诉苦,是在增重握的负担, 我的压力?


Tuesday 8 July 2014



Sunday 9 February 2014











Monday 3 February 2014


So I found something interesting and quite true about me, even I can't believe myself that I fell into this trap, where this is just an app that I downloaded for fun. It's the fortune teller.

The Chinese birth chart analysis tells:
Your characteristics, subconscious, and behavior modes, according to your fate and destiny, are represented by the stars, not only delicate, yer with femininity. There are many stars in the sky, but not as bright as the sun and moon, so you do not like to show off. You do not like to make decisions and often wait for opportunities to come to you.
You are born intelligent and clever, but cannot quite stick to what you do. You have short-lived enthusiasm, are interested in many things, but lack the determination and perseverance to carry it through. In addition, you show a very strong and obvious reaction between love and hate, and willing to sacrifice foe one and totally block out other. You like mature and dependable persons, dislike frivolous behavior, and admire people with artistic talent and those who can enrich your spirit.
Your entire life is like the stars, stable, secure, and without uncertainties. You are the most afraid to be covered by the dark cloud that reflects the down time of your life, during which you may be unappreciated, unaccepted, and face many unexpected obstacles. Although very painful, as long as you face these challenges, learn from others and do not complain or blame others, you will learn and grow, and then become the brightest star in the sky.
In romance, you are easily attracted to someone you admire in your heart, but you often end up empty-handed because you are too shy to go after him. Generally speaking, men do not have deep first impression of you, so they need time to discover your inner beauty.You, however, tend to like a person at the first sight, but not after a period of time. Therefore, if you are still waiting for a good romance, try to show your inner beauty by doing more activities, establishing better habits, and socializing with more people. This way you can express your inner beauty naturally all the time, which makes your romance go more smoothly.
In the journey of life, your romantic or marriage partner might be introduced by relatives and friends, or through matchmaking. You tend to be inexperienced in love, unable to actively pursue someone without being too sticky or giving up easily. You have opportunities but are afraid to get hurt, so eventually it is not easy for you to have the spark of love. If you are still seeking your love partner don't rush because someone nearby likes you, so as long as you sincerely give a little hint, the happiness is right beside you.
According to your destiny analysis, you know how to make money, but it is not easy for you to hold onto your money. Your life is more philosophical, so you are not stingy with yourself, family or friends. You spend what you have even you are financially tight, and are generous when you are financially comfortable. Because of this, it's not easy for you to save money. In addition, you may be convinced easily by friends to make investments that cause you to lose money. You like to make many friends, so you easily lose money if you cannot evaluate risk or reject people when they approach you for investment. You will spend most of your wealth doing things you want to do throughout life because you consider money spent as the wealth actually owned by you. Afterward, you will bequest most of your wealth to your descendants.

It is so damn long and I have skipped the health parts. I still spent my time to finish it up once I read the first paragraph. Just the little things in my life yet it is so true about me. And just a little workout for my fingers after so long time.