Wednesday, 15 May 2013


First of all, sorry. This is what I wanted to tell. I wasn't meant to be sensitive, I just can't hold my temper and my emotion when comes to this topic. The words you said are still in my mind, I do really mind and care. No one ever said me in this way. I still couldn't get over this current issue, sometimes I am trying hard to get over, instead most of the time I avoid it, if you notice. Although you said you're just kidding, but I couldn't take this as a joke, I felt like it is seriously assaulting me. We've been through quite something and sometimes, yet still not really understand each other perhaps. Remember I told you before? We're like totally from the different planets, we don't really have something or some thoughts that are same in common. This makes our path even tougher. We used to argue on something that couldn't tell that who's right and who's wrong, while there are not even have a choice to be right and wrong. We used to tease each other, perhaps to get more attentions? You used to threaten me, but I will never get intimidate, I think you had a little disappointment. And I used to say something that I don't actually mind about that, ended up hurting you. Play games while talking on phone, well you never knew this, I always lose in the game while talking with you. I pay more attention on you instead of the game. No photos in the phone, is that really a matter since I already had your picture on my contact. Late reply of the messages? Messages are meant to be like leaving a note to someone when you knew the person is not free. Of course I'll reply you when I'm free and I admit that sometimes I do forget about it. If you urging to look up for me, why not you call instead of SMS? I think this is a big fight ever since we getting together. Damn stupid mind, heart crying over the night because of the meaningless words. I seriously hated myself. I know you don't mean anything but I still got that hard feeling. Now it's my problems again. Please give me some time then I'll get myself back on the track. You gonna text me if I don't text you, aren't you? It's ended up became my fault. ='(
P/S: Well, you couldn't blame me on who start the fight, the sun did started our fight. It still rotating like nobody business. Well when it gonna explodes?


一回来,整理行李, 就去了新加坡。这一趟的旅行,我受益不浅。什么感觉,懂得一个人,在异乡,得投靠别人,那尴尬,不好意思的感觉。懂得一个人,背包旅行的话,大概会怎样,也大概知道要怎样。异乡的人情世故,不一样。繁华的城市,漂亮的霓虹灯点缀着黑暗的夜,人们打扮的漂亮,看似完美的一切,但总觉得少了些什么。轻快铁里,不管男女老少,手上一定有个手机,就连看似将近70的老奶奶,也懂得玩 angry nanny,其余的,都在玩 candy crush。他们,少了一分情,有些, 只懂得盲目的追求,只懂得目的地,却不懂过程。这旅途里,曾感受过的挫觉,我不会忘记。我才懂得,以往的我,真的要风得风,要雨得雨。现在,也要一样,但是靠自己。这趟旅行,也让我发觉到,原来,也有很多人独自旅行。我最喜欢那感觉,当陌生人要求互相帮忙拍照,然后说上几句话。顶着酷热的天气,炙热的太阳下,拍照,同样一个建筑物,一样的角度,拍个几十张,直到满意为止,有着从所未有的成就感。
