Saturday, 25 February 2012


累了,却还不想睡觉。工作快两个月了,起初好好的,但感觉越来越不喜欢那里了。有时候,我也在想,为何要做这些?说好听,什么都学,说难听,做打杂。一开始,我并没这么想,还很光荣地说,我做过了些什么。也许,是朋友的影响吧。我并没感觉到那么委屈,没那么辛苦,反而觉得工作太过简单。其实并没什么,我会继续下去的。我告诉自己,我还是学徒,必须什么都学,我不是老板,不可以投诉,社会很现实,他们对我已经是很不错。只要我愿意学,没什么事难倒我。我常常告诉自己要保持着正面思想,不是欺骗自己,而是让自己升级。当一个人活在负面思想的生活里,就算是神仙,恐怕也救不了,只会一直降级。我知道,我因人而异,我坚持我的思想,我的立场。我希望,过了三个月,就有真的projects给我做,我还在期待。而你,不做就辞职吧。说难听点,你整天投诉这个那个,你不累我累,制造躁音污染。千金大小姐,你不过是小小员工,一点份量都没有,他们去floor排货,叫你去排也在那边乱。去survey你也乱,没东西做你也乱。回家做回你的大小姐啦。对待朋友也不能好一点吗?人家的style讲人家难看,你很美么?看见你,我看见的,缺点多过优点。所学到的优点,做事要有效率,快于准。缺点呢,第一,己所不欲,勿施于人。第二,对自己有所要求,但不要把自己的要求放在别人的身上。第三,接受别人的观点。别人的观点和思想不会和自己的一样。第四,说话不要处处针对别人。无心的话会对别人造成很大的伤害。第五,不要认为自己是最好。如果认为这样,一辈子都不会成功。第六,自己要的自己争取。就算东西不见了,自己找回来,不要利用朋友找回来。还有好多好多小小的细节。我常常用它的缺点来提醒自己不要从犯他的错误。你们三个,坚强点,我们行的。你们要会接受的现实的社会。我们一起加油。谢谢你们两个今晚的陪伴,我心情好了一点。I'll be tough, I know you are always there for me, I love you babes, no one can replace you two in my heart. Sincerely I appreciate that I had friends like you. I miss you guys. Sometimes I need your support when no one is there for me and you guys did, support me no matter how, my studies, love matter and much more. And sorry for sometimes, I threw my emotions and tempers on you guys, but you are still listening to me and giving me advices. I can't imagine how long you have been stand for my bad temper. Thanks for your patient. I got nothing more to expect and to get from you, just continue to be in this way, it's more than enough for my entire life. Love you guys. xoxo

Friday, 24 February 2012


看见你如此的低落,我却没办法安慰你,对不起。我自己的心情也很低落,不懂是不是在此的心灵相通,哈哈。话说回来,你啊,最近老爱到处跑,我相信,你的钱早已花光了。你常往外跑,难免父母的三字经。我何尝不是如此?以前就一直往外跑,父母老是觉得我浪费钱,吊儿郎当,没事做。所做的家务事,在他们的眼里,是理所当然的,所以他们根本没把这些放在眼里,他们要的,是要我帮妈妈做工什么的,我就是不理,随他们讲。你的经历,也许我比你早走了一步。现在,我工作了,的确不一样。虽然说是office hours,但是实际上,见面的时间也变少了,家里发生大大小小的事,我错过了很多。不像以前,什么事情都在掌控之中。现在的我,要省钱,少出街了,也想花多点时间待在家里。工作说难不难,但回到家,就莫名其妙的,自然累了。晚上有时间,就看看书,上上网,但我常常成迷于游戏。我没工作前,尝不想回家,但工作后,每天第一件想的是回家。在家里,累了就休息,不用看别人的脸色,暂时逃避了很现实的社会。最重要的是想告诉你,有时间,就在家里陪陪父母吧。还有,工作就像读书一样,没读书,就不要想会考到好成绩。赶快去sign up 啦,花不了那几分钟吗?要做任何事情都要付出代价的。还有啊,出来做工不要expect别人会帮你,不要complain多多,也不要expect人家会特别疼你。我想,你还是乖乖呆在家啦,做工后,你要多呆都不能了。珍惜现在的生活,乐观点,还有,改掉你爱做梦的习惯啦,不要常常几人忧天,12月还没到。 哈哈。等你好消息。下次记得请我吃顿好的。 呵呵。

Sunday, 19 February 2012


Well, the event has ended successfully, I thought. The slides, although I got a little upset because she cancelled the presentation, but everything was fine, the beginning, and the end, nothing wrong, so I'm safe. Well, just hope that you are alright. See, you have to know, this is our society, realistic, and pathetic. You can't expect much from others, instead what you can do is not to change the others but yourself. The moment we took photo, and she scolded, that's reasonable. Try to stand on the site of the boss, then the customers, I think there's nothing wrong. By the way, don't complaint too much, if you are unhappy with this job, please resign. I just hate to see how you tease your friends. I can't stand for it anymore. Do you think you are perfect??? Nobody's perfect okay?? I believed she had her abilities. Efficiency doesn't mean everything. I think, you, gotta be tough, this is no longer school life, you have to accept all the facts, the boss, the societies, your friends. And you! Stop nagging and complaining like an ass hole, keep your mouth shut and do your works. If you don't want to do, don't complain, resign please. You are out of my world, no longer my concern. I tried to accept your weaknesses and your attitudes, but you are just making me pissed off, and that's all. Actually, things are under my prediction, I got no surprise feeling and I still can accept it. As far as I did my best. 

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Taylor Swift

The reason I liked her songs, I heard guitar in every songs. <3

There are more than these, but these are my favorites. <3

If this was a movie

There's lyrics, and the strumming of the guitar, playing in my head. 

Friday, 17 February 2012


It has been awhile I away from this blog. Sometimes I just felt insecure of write it on, I just don't like being stalked. I have been working for a month, approaching 2 months. I had got my first salary, and obviously I did not spent it wisely. I bought clothes, I bought cosmetics, I bought skin care products, and I almost pay for the trip to Lang Tengah. I don't have much to pay for it. I was so excited that I was finally got the chances of travel with my friend. But when my dad knew there is only both of us, he banned it again, ended up going with him. Well, sorry my friend. Sincerely I wanted to go with you, I brought the happiness and I ended with disappoint. Sorry pale. =(  Cases coming up, debit card transaction, I'm sick of it. Firstly was the paint ball vouchers, settled. Now is the clothes, had void the payment but not yet get the credit back to my account. That's the most importance thing I not yet buy- guitar. God damn, I wanted it so much, I have been crazy thinking of it again and again. Truly lefty guitar is really hard to find, and I did look up for it, ended up with disappointment again. Fine. What I have to do is to WAIT. One of the thing I learnt, beside of those paper works. I did complaint, I have to wait for their reply. I had done my job, I have to wait for my boss approval. I want to buy stuffs, I have to wait for my salary. There's too much I have to wait for. The most important I have to wait for STPM resullts, I think this could be the most suffer days ever. I has been nervous and stressed for a day, ONLY. Thanks for the compliment, I knew it meant nothing to you, and it not really meant anything to me, it just help release my stress and tension. It is a very easy job but it possibly drove me tension and stress enough to screw my days. I will just do my best. My life now, Imma facing computer for almost 10 hours, 8 hours working, 2 hours playing computer games, and the rest of time I using electronic gadgets and devices- my best friends nowadays. This case causes the weakening of my eye sight, I need a spectacle, like seriously. I've tried today, wore spectacle for a day, and did realized my eyes didn't get tired easily. I had the aim, had the hypothesis, had the problem statement, had the procedure, and know I had my conclusion, I need a spectacle. Another expenses again, I just wanted to get guitar first. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


Do not think about it anymore, go to bed. P/s: Damn it! 

Sunday, 5 February 2012


心伤完了,钱花完了,是时候又开始努力了。为什么往往都是把钱花光了才愿意振作? 得筹旅费了,是怕到年尾都还没本事凑钱进大学。我还要买衣服,买吉他,还有我要买bikini!!!!